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All information on selected C-clone


Table of Contents


C-clone Information

Algorithm parameters

he depth of the scoring tree, i.e. the branches of the tree that will highlight the best explanatory variables for a score

Mini bucket

Volume of cookies to create scoring tree


of the scoring tree, i.e. the branches of the tree that will highlight the best explanatory variables for a score

Warning: impact of the depth of the scoring tree
The deeper the segmentation tree, the longer it takes to build a clone

Positive event

(variable to explain) to select the targeting parameters to be considered by the algorithm for the creation of the clone

Negative event (Universe)

(explanatory variables) characterizes the group of internet users that will be scored against the parameters selected in the positive segment


3rd Party

Clusters Only

No Socio-demo behavior


Versioned profile

profile that already exist



Audiences that was used to create the C-clone
