Cclone is a feature used to create look-alike audiences. The formula of the audience is automatically generated based on a manual setup and a gain selection. The module in the Builder part aims to create audiences based on a cclone.
The page is composed of two sectionsections:
List of cclones available for audience creation
Grain Gain selection and details on the Cclone selected
Create an audience Cclone
Once selected it possible to select gain on the graphic displayed in the center of the page. Each gain point on the graphic represents a potential audience with either a gain in volume or very specific profiles.
Once a satisfactory gain is selected it is possible to create an audience by selecting the create audience button.
Volume alert is a feature to be informed when an audience reach reaches a below and or above a thresholdvolume limit.
Transfers are elements created to provide audiences build built in WAM to a DSP.
There are two types of transfers: