WAM is able to ingest Proxy files for segmentation creation then activation
After choosing the connection, Proxy configuration need to be set
Fields to fill
Configuration name : Proxy name configuration
File Path : Bucket where the files are retrieved
File Pattern : YYYYMMDD-Proxy-Configurationname-label.csv
Email to notify : Email to receive confirmation of file ingestion
Separator : file separator | , ;
File compression : no/yes
Delete remote files : no/yes
Encrypted identifiers : no/yes
Proxy File Ingestion
Place file on the bucket with file pattern set on the Proxy configuration of the account
⚠ Bucket should only contain CRM files of the configuration
Header in file explanation:
webo_id or | mobile_type | crm_id | crm_pattern | namespace_type | account _id | cs |
The field names are separated by separator character.
Example: webo_id|crm_id|crm_pattern|namespace_type|account_id|cs
● We can’t have “webo_id” and “mobile_id” both present on same line
● If we have “mobile_id”, “mobile-type” and “account_id” are mandatory
● If we have “crm_id”, “namespace_type”, “crm_pattern” and “account_id” are
● We must have at least 2 of these fields (webo_id, mobile_id, crm_id or cs)
● We can have at most 7 columns
● filename must be as follow: <wam_account_id>_filename.extension
● one account ID per file only
Can be:● a simple webo id on 12 or 14 characters
● A crypted webo id (22 characters)
Can be:● 32 characters string. Ex: 6D92078A82464BA4AE5B76104861E7DC
● 36 characters string. Ex: 6D92078A-8246-4BA4-AE5B-76104861E7DC
Can be:● 1 (for Apple device)
● 2 (for Android device)
“crm_id”Is the CRM id. Ex: 0000bc074e37420d6280c09abe129966
“crm_pattern”Is the CRM pattern linked to the account id. Ex: idclient, idbanquemd5
“namespace_type”Is the type of the rule: NAV or CRM
“account_id”Is the account id. Ex: 1173
“cs”Is the list of custom segments to push in WAM. Ex: CS1,CS2,CS3
Possible headers