Versions Compared


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This module enables the user to: 

  • define which metric to optimize (average basket, conversion vs impression...) and score the entire database of Weborama against this parameter and then arbitrate, when selecting a target, between impact (% of internet users exposed) and expected performance (performance index) 


  • extend a target audience by targeting customers in Weborama’s database that have a very similar profile than the customers who converted to a specific campaign (= look-alike audience) 


  • understand which parameters drive the most value for a campaign (predictive segmentation tree). 


1. cClone creation

Options to be set

  • Positive event, Negative event (Universe)

Image Removed


  • cClone Mode, Clusters Only, Versioned profile

  • Algorithm parameters


2. Check and modify the status of a c-clone


3. Select the audience to target vs. scoring performance


4. Check the key variables that predict performance

5. Save the audience
