Sync Pixels

Sync Pixels

Sync between BigSea and WAM


Direct sync

sync with our 3d Party cookies

If you want to sync with our 3d Party (BigSea) cookies and we store the mapping table in our side, we should create a dedicated dsp ID for you and then you can use the following endpoint:


sync with our DMP cookies

If you want to sync with our DMP (WAM) cookies and that the sync mapping table will be stored in our side, we should create a dedicated dsp ID for you and then you can use the following endpoint:


Redirect sync

Redirect sync consists on synching with weborama and storing the mapping table in your side.

If you want to sync with 3d Party cookies only, please use the following pixel:


If you want to synch with 3d Party & DMP cookies, you should use the following pixel: https://dx.bigsea.weborama.com/collect?r=YOURPIXEL_ENCODED%3Fpartner%3Dweborama%26id%3D%7BUUID%7D

Sync with DSPs

Here is the list of sync pixel within DSPs:

  • Google:


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