
The monitoring is a module listing all existing audiences and provides information on it such as status, volume, and transfers.

In this module, it is possible to manage existing audiences and transfers.


The filter assist to scroll through the list of audience. The available filters are the following:

  • status: All, inactive only, active only

  • bootstrap: none, attribute, attributed, processing, failed

  • type: All, cclone, georadar

  • shared: Wax or not

  • volume: mobile ids or cross device

  • start (creation date): filter on specific day or a period of time

  • end (end date): filter on specific day or a period of time

  • partner: filter audience having one or more transfer to chosen partners

A search bar is also available to search by anything or label or id.

Audience list


The audience list contains all existing audiences, active and inactive. By default it is sorted from the most recent audience to the older one.

In the list some details on each audience are available:

  • id: unique id of the audience

  • status: the audience can be active (green) or inactive (orange)

  • label: name of the audience

  • added on: creation date

  • end date: date at which the audience will become or became inactive

  • bootstrap: status of the bootstrap. It can be none (bootstrap is available), attribute (processing), attributed (finished) or failed

  • volume: estimated volume of the audience, id based or cross device


The list can be sorted from 1 to z or z to 1 by:

  • id

  • label

  • added on

  • end date

Up to 100 audience can be displayed per page using the option at the bottom:


Transfers are visible in the audience list below the audience they are linked to. Audience with transfers have a an arrow on the left of the row. A click on the row display all the existing transfers on the audience:



This section of the page is available once an audience is selected. It display further details on the audience, allows edit and actions on the audience.


Information tab

Editable fields have a pen on the right side with the exception of the email cc field and volume alert which can be edited by clicking the add button.

Editable values are:

  • Label: label of the audience

  • Date: the end date can be changed

  • Status: active or inactive

  • Email: owner and creator of the audience

  • Cc: followers of the audience

  • Tags: quick identifiers

  • Volume alert: can be created on the audience or edited

The bootstrap button will be available if the quota is not reached and has never been requested on the audience. Otherwise the status will be displayed.



This tab display all existing transfers on one audience with some details. Some fields can be edited.

Label: Name of the transfer

Date: Creation date and end date currently set

Email: email of the transfer creator

CC: email notified when the transfers is about to reach its end date

Delivering type: type of identifiers sent to the partner. It can be: desktop identifiers, mobile identifiers, user all devices, user desktops, user mobiles

Cookie split: share of cookie to send to partners

CPM: price

Push of stock: when available, will retrieve users attributed in the last days to the audience (period defined by the user) and send them

Partner name: name of the partner the data is sent

Partner account label: name of the account partner configuration (set in Onboarding>Partners)

Partner account id: account id on the partner side

Partner segment id: segment id of the transfer on the partner side

Delete transfer: will delete the transfer after confirmation



The metric tab provide details on the volume of the audience and the sum of the unique users added or removed per day in the last 30 days.


The sharing tab is available if the account is allowed to share audiences with other WAM accounts. It allows to quickly share an audience with another account.

A click on the switch automatically share or remove sharing toward an account.



The breakdown provides socio-demographic insights on the user attributed on the audience.


Action button

The Action button list all possible actions on the module.



The button opens a menu when clicked with more or less options However when an audience is selected more options are available in the bottom part (below “AUDIENCE SELECTED”):

  • Audience export: Exports all the audiences listed in the monitoring

  • Add transfer: Opens the transfer creation modal and allows quick transfer creation on the selected audience

  • bootstrap: Opens a modal to define the period of the bootstrap on the selected audience

  • Create/edit volume alert: Opens the create volume alert modal

  • Delete: Will delete the select audience. A confirmation modal will be displayed

Bulk actions

It is possible to apply changes to multiple audience at once via the bulk features available above the monitoring table:


There are two type of operation possible:

  • Edit

  • Delete (not available yet)

To use the bulk feature it is necessary to tick at least one audience checkbox in the audience monitoring table.

Once at least an audience is selected the button edit is available.

Edit allows to:

  • edit the end date of the selected audiences

  • edit the status of the selected audiences

  • execute a bootstrap on the selected audience


When using the bulk edit feature to update the status of multiple audiences, the status of all selected audience will be affected.

Beware , by default the option is set to deactivate all selected audience.

End date

The end date bulk edit feature will update the end date of all the selected audiences, however the maximum end date possible will be affected by the selected audiences.

If an audience built around only 3rd party data is in the selection, it will only be possible to update the end date of the whole selection to 90 days in the future.


The bootstrap option will be applied to all selected audience except audiences built around 3rd party only formulas as it is not allowed to bootstrap those audiences.

Also, note the daily quota for bootstrap also applies via the bulk feature and as a consequence if the quota would be exceeded only audiences that would not cause the quota to be reached will have the bootstrap applied. (A message will be displayed to list audience with a bootstrap no applied on)