

Leboncoin a.k.a LBC (WAM account ID 2510) is the only Weborama DMP customer which is still priced based on affectation pricing model.

This dashboard is linked to metrics stored in Elastic Search which could be monitored internally via Kibana UI:

la formule des affectations = la metric étant la fameuse "mdc.wam.uuids"de kibana


uuids represent the number of unique ids a single instance of a validator assigned to audiences during a timeframe

example for LBC on one instance:

logsource: wam-audience-validator-csrealtime-wamfactory-79fd9689cf-b25gq

mdc.wam.uuids: 36,296

msg: Account 2510 validated 17329364 audiences for 36296 users from source CUSTOM_SEGMENT in 126.159957 s during last batch


Pour arriver au calcul, il faudrait donc re-valider tout le trafic de LBC de la période, wamfactory + feeder+bigsea+wcm etcc ... faire passer ce trafic dans les validateurs ( si tenté que ce soit possible de récupérer tout ce traffic )