Quantiles and Surf Intensity

Quantiles and Surf Intensity

All Weborama internet profiles are qualified by quantiles on all behavioral clusters and sociodemographic criteria.
 A quantile can take any integer value between 0 and 20. 0 means that the internet user has no affinity for the segment/sociodemographic behavior, 20 means that he has the maximum affinity for it.
 The sociodemographic profile quantile values are predictions based on user behavior and panel data.

Surf intensity, a behavioral criterion, refers to the relative time spent by the internet user online. The quantile value for surf intensity is between 0 and 20 and is reflective of users' surf activity. 0 corresponds to a web user that we have seen only 1 time (single touchpoint). As it relates to sociodemo, applying a threshold on the surf intensity of a population is necessary in order to increase profile reliability.

For each sociodemo criterion, two thresholds are computed: quantile threshold value on the criterion and surf intensity threshold. There is no unique answer to the question: how many “male” are there in the database? It depends on quantile and surf intensity thresholds. The lower these are, the higher the number of males is. However, as it is not 100% possible to determine who is accessing content, higher thresholds, although resulting in lower volumes, will result in a better probability of only male users.


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