Once the C-clone selected on the left panel, a point on the graph can be selected to choose the volume of users to be reached
The vertical axis (expected gain) represents the performance index: a performance
index is a cumulative % of the positive target within the segments over the % of the
target within the negative segments defined as the reference population
The horizontal axis (% in database recency 1 day) represents the % of Weborama
internet users defined as negative segment
Each dot along the red scoring curve represents a strong classifier family
These families are cumulated along the curve, so the advertiser can select his
audience by checking the points along the curve, arbitrating between the % of the
internet users targeted and the expected performance index
The dot with the most performing internet users is on the far left of the graph, but
with the smallest volume of usersThe dot with the largest volume of internet users is on the far right of the graph,
but with a weaker performance index
Profile Type
Non-Empty : Only non-empty users are selected to calculate the volume
All : All users are selected to calculate the volume
This classifier represents 17.64 % of the Unique Users (vs the reference population =
negative segment) and 3.56 times the average conversion performance of the whole
reference population as defined as the negative segment
Decision Tree
Once the advertiser has clicked on the dot corresponding to the audience he wants to target, he will get the corresponding segmentation tree at the bottom of the interface .
This tree enables to identify and visualize the key predictors (most explanatory variables) explaining a performance (conversion...)
These explanatory variables are the result of the Khi2 test which calculates the dependency of the variables vs the variable to explain
The red nodes are those that constitute the audience selected