WAM is able to ingest Proxy files for segmentation creation then activation
After choosing the connection, Proxy configuration needs to be set
Fields to fill
Configuration name : Proxy name configuration
File Path : Bucket where the files are retrieved
File Pattern : YYYYMMDD-Proxy-Configurationname-label.csv
Email to notify : Email to receive confirmation of file ingestion
Separator : file separator | , ;
File compression : no/yes
Delete remote files : no/yes
Encrypted identifiers : no/yes
Proxy File Ingestion
Place file on the bucket with file pattern set on the Proxy configuration of the account
Bucket should only contain CRM files of the configuration
Header in file explanation
webo_id or | mobile_type | crm_id | crm_pattern | namespace_type | account _id | cs |
The field names are separated by separator character.
Possible headers
● “webo_id” and “mobile_id” cannot be both present on the same file
Mandatory Columns
For Mobile ID only | For CRM ID only |
“mobile_id”, “mobile-type” and “account_id” | “crm_id”, “namespace_type”, “crm_pattern” and “account_id” |
● Maximum 7 columns
● one account ID per file only
Can be:● a simple webo id on 12 or 14 characters
● A crypted webo id (22 characters)
Can be:● 32 characters string. Ex: 6D92078A82464BA4AE5B76104861E7DC
● 36 characters string. Ex: 6D92078A-8246-4BA4-AE5B-76104861E7DC
Can be:● 1 (for Apple device)
● 2 (for Android device)
“crm_id”Is the CRM id. Ex: 0000bc074e37420d6280c09abe129966
“crm_pattern”Is the CRM pattern linked to the account id. Ex: idclient, idbanquemd5
“namespace_type”Is the type of the rule: NAV or CRM
“account_id”Is the account id. Ex: 1173
“cs”Is the list of custom segments to push in WAM. Ex: CS1,CS2,CS3