Allocation Dashboard
The allocation dashboard was designed to display the amount of user allocated to audiences and or segment in the Weborama Audience Manager background.
An allocation is the positive result of operation executed to determine if a user should be included in an audience and or a segment.
Three pages are available in the Allocation dashboard:
Top Audiences
Top segments
Note the calendar in the top right corner is by default set to the last 7 days and applies to all three pages above.
The largest timeframe allowed is 30 days and the minimal timeframe is a single day. However if only the current day is selected, past hours only will be available.
The account page display the total allocation over the period selected as well as graphic representation of the allocation per day over the period and the split by source of the allocation over the period.
Total allocation: The sum of audience allocations during the period set in the calendar
Audience allocation: Graphical view of the audience allocation per day. If a timeframe of less than 72h is selected, the view will be displayed per hour instead of days.
Audience allocation by source: Doughnut chart displaying the source split of the allocation. colors are static by sources.
Possible source listed in the Dougnut chart:
Source | Hint |
Weborama Taxonomies | Weborama taxonomies includes all the attributions related to third party taxonomies. Bigsea cluster attributions in profile are done in wam-daemon. Here we only do audience validation. |
WCM | WCM includes all the attributions related to WCM data |
Marketplace | Marketplace includes all the attributions related to the Marketplace taxonomies and or clusters. Have add and removal messages. |
Generic Collect | Generic Collect includes all the attributions linked to a hit on a basic WAM pixel |
Generic Collect GCP | Â legacy collect ( not used anymore ) |
Data Service | Data Service represent all the attributions related to direct attribution from the Weborama data science team |
Data Entry Manager | Data Entry Manager includes all the attributions related to customer file import (CRM, Proxy, Offline datalayer) |
Custom Segment Bootstrap | Custom Segment Bootstrap includes all the attributions related to the bootstrap of custom segment rules |
Custom Segment Removal | Includes all the remove operation which may occur via a wamfactory remove proxy file or other direct remove operation |
Custom Segment Frequency | Custom Segment Frequency includes all the attributions related to the Frequency used on custom segment |
Collect | Advanced collect includes all the attributions related to a hit on a collect with datalayer |
Audience Bootstrap | Audience Bootstrap includes all the attributions related to an audience bootstrap  |
Top audiences
The top audience page lists the 100 audiences with the most allocations and sort them in a descending order.
A search bar is available to scroll easily through the maximum of 100 audience.
A button create alert is available in the top right of the page to create and alert on any object, as well as directly in the table when hovering objects.
The table itself have the following information displayed:
Id: identifier of the audience
Label: name of the audience
Allocation: number of user allocated to the audience in the period
Alert: a bubble for the existing alert and a bubble for triggered alerts
A hover on the grey bubble display the existing alerts details and a click on the bubble redirects to the Allocation>alerts page with a filter on those alerts
A hover on the triggered alert bubble list the alert triggered, while a click on the bubble redirects to the Allocation>alerts page with a filter
Button: redirect directly to the monitoring page with the audience selected, in case some parameters should be changed
A click on one audience display graphical details on the audience allocation over the period.
The charts contain the same information as the account page but within the selected audience scope only.
A click on the audience row above the chart closes the graphical view.
Top segments
This page is exactly similar to the Top audience page. The difference is the content of the table, segments are listed instead of audiences.