The audience module in the Builder category is where we can create audiences of users based on a formula.
The module is split in three parts:
Create an audience
To create an audience at least one group of interests must be included in the formula. The button Create audience then becomes available.
The button opens a form with on the left side an overview of the formula, and the volume, while the right side contains the form itself with fields to fill.
Label: name of the audience
End date: date at which the audience will become inactive. Up to 13 month in the future if the formula only contains first party data, 90 days otherwise.
Email: email of the creator of the audience by default, but can be changed to any valid email address. Will be used to remind the end date of the audience a few days prior.
Email CC: Same as above, emails are in copy
Tags: Set some context to the audience to facilitate sorting in the existing audience
Bootstrap: If available, will recalculate the user which fit with the audience formula up to 30 days in the past
Once this form is filled, it is possible to validate and create the audience with the Create audience button at the bottom of the form.
It is possible to create transfers and volume alert from this form by selecting the tabs at the top of the form.
Volume Alert
Volume alert is a feature raising an alert when an audience reaches a volume below or above an integer value.
Transfers are elements created to provide audiences built in WAM to a DSP.
There are two types of transfers:
Pixel url:
Media platform: direct transfer with a server to server solution between Weborama and the external platform
The media platform transfers require the following details to be provided:
Label: Name of the transfers. In most cases it is the name found on the partner side as well
End date: Date at which data will no longer be sent to the partner
email & email cc: Creator and contacts to notify when the transfers are about to reach their end date
Device mode: This is the type of identifier sent to the partner. It can be cookies, mobile ids, or any cross device option
Partner: Where the data will be sent. Configurations listed are created on the Onboarding partner module
It is possible to create up to 10 transfers at once, after adding the transfer the form will list the transfers to create.
The New transfer button at the bottom of the form will load a new transfer form.