GoldenFish Segment Builder
With the contextual segment builder, users can create contextual segments using relevant pages. By entering in keywords and recommendations, users will be able to see the exact number of URLs matching the Wide Corpus over a history of 30 days, an impressions estimate as well as the top matching URLs.
Segment Cores
The segment cores consist of the keywords and recommendations that users will use to build their contextual segments.
Include Core
To start building a contextual segment, the user can click on Include and begin entering in keywords. Once a keyword has been added, a list of the top 100 matching URLs will appear and indicate where in the text the keyword can be seen. The page can also be accessed directly from the segment builder. Clicking on the keyword will bring up recommendations that can be added to the segment. Up to 2 include cores can be used in the segment builder, allowing users to combine keywords to find matching pages. The cores are color coded red and yellow, so the user will be able to determine the keywords in each core when looking at the text from the pages.
Exclude Core
If users wish to exclude pages containing certain words from their results, they can do so by clicking on Exclude to start adding words to the exclude core. This will automatically eliminate any pages containing the specified words from the list of matched URLs.
If the user wishes to delete a core or all keywords from a core, he or she can do so by clicking on the dropdown in the upper right corner of the core and selecting either “Remove Core” or “Delete Keywords”.
Once satisfied with the segment, the user can click on Create.